Multiple sclerosis Forum

  •  3,385 members
  •  217 discussions

How to establish the right diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? How to avoid a flare-up? Where is the current medical research? Join our patient community and family members of patients! Thousands of people are waiting for you to share information, exchange experiences and provide you with advice and support.

Medical fact sheet

Multiple sclerosis

Medical fact sheet - article

What is Multiple sclerosis?

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Medical fact sheet - article


Medical fact sheet - article

Treating multiple sclerosis

Medical fact sheet - article

Multiple sclerosis: Key figures and prevalence

Medical fact sheet - article

Diagnosing multiple sclerosis

Medical fact sheet - article

Multiple sclerosis and vision problems

Medical fact sheet - article

Fatigue and multiple sclerosis

Medical fact sheet - article

Multiple sclerosis and cognitive problems

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