Sleep apnea Forum

  •  4,368 members
  •  25 discussions

Create discussions, and share with others, on topics regarding medications, therapies, and alternative treatments for sleep apnea.

Patients Sleep apnea

Medical fact sheet

Sleep apnea

 Treatments for sleep apnea

Which CPAP machine do you use? Pros / Cons?

avatar Nobighurry


avatar sed0007

avatar Donnastom

avatar sroth43

avatar Holleyj

 Treatments for sleep apnea

What is an oral appliance? Do you have one


avatar MrsMaryS

avatar nursedds

 Treatments for sleep apnea

Inspire Sleep Apnea device - my experience

avatar stasnislav1

avatar galesr


 Treatments for sleep apnea

Having trouble with my Inspire implant

avatar JefferyP

avatar TheKoopster

avatar elliot4355

avatar SallyAllen

avatar HC1122

avatar Mjca1081

 Treatments for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea surgery, have you gotten it?

avatar LizziB

avatar Wentyg6000

avatar Holleyj

avatar mdanamul

avatar hundal

 Treatments for sleep apnea


avatar danbart57

avatar Ginger49

avatar LizziB

 Treatments for sleep apnea

How do you sleep with your mask?


avatar Riley123

avatar Gnorts58

 Treatments for sleep apnea

Does CBD help to sleep better?

avatar LizziB

 Treatments for sleep apnea

Can acupuncture help with sleep apnea?

avatar Rahul.R

 Treatments for sleep apnea

What is shift work sleep disorder?

avatar LizziB

 Treatments for sleep apnea

What alternatives to CPAP have you tried?

avatar SJones2185

avatar Script Guy

avatar jannie45

 Treatments for sleep apnea

Speech therapy and sleep apnea

avatar Courtney_J

avatar Courtney_J

avatar tkl60124

avatar margaret03

avatar npatcha

avatar sleepy

avatar Helapaxt

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avatar sleepy

avatar Courtney_J

avatar Mich527

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