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- What is your lung cancer diagnosis story? Let's share our experiences!
Patients Lung cancer
What is your lung cancer diagnosis story? Let's share our experiences!
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Last activity on 02/14/2023 at 2:55 PM
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19 comments posted | 17 in the Lung cancer Forum
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Hi, hope everyone is doing ok, it's been a bit quiet on here.
I was diagnosed in early 2017 with stage 2 adenocarcinoma and had a partial lobectomy later in the year. It was a total shock to me because I was in decent health before and I didn't smoke. I had no idea you could get lung cancer when you're not a smoker. Anyway, the recovery was long for me and I still have days where I struggle with my breathing, but 4 years on I'm still in remission!
Last activity on 08/25/2021 at 10:26 PM
Joined in 2019
12 comments posted | 6 in the Lung cancer Forum
I was diagnosed in 2018 with stage IIIa NSCLC. I'd been a smoker for 20+ years and hadn't really been able to quit so I almost knew what it was when I started having issues. I don't know if I thought it was cancer, but I knew it had to do with the smoking. I was having really bad coughing with blood and chest pain. I had chemo and radiation and then surgery.
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Last activity on 06/04/2021 at 3:42 AM
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8 comments posted | 5 in the Lung cancer Forum
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Hi all, I was Diagnosed in February 2018 with non-small cell carcinoma. April 25 2018 I had my upper right lobe removed along with a 10 cm mass. after chemo is done I found out it was stage three only because of the size of the mass, I had no lymph nodes involved. I was a smoker but I quit 20 years ago and my surgeon told me that this was not from smoking. I lost my sister to lung cancer in October 2016.
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Tammy G
Last activity on 07/24/2021 at 12:46 PM
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6 comments posted | 1 in the Lung cancer Forum
I'm am a newly diagnosed atypical carcinoid patient totally over whelmed by all the info. They tell me it is non operable because it has moved to my liver already. Sadly my CA is one of the rare ones and it's Neuro endocrine so it is feed by hormones. I have another pet scan Monday to try to identify which hormones so we can start treatment to do it from growing. Would love to meet others that are going through the same because so far noone had what I have in any of the group I've reached out to. Prayer for all of us that through Christ and taking care of our bodies immune systems we will all live as greatly of a life as before our diagnosis. Tammy
Last activity on 12/16/2024 at 4:34 PM
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3 comments posted | 3 in the Lung cancer Forum
Hi. I'm just trying to get some information. i have multiple lung nodules, found in an xray. I go back to the dr. Tomorrow. i took the xray because of lower back pain when i breathed in. It started last week friday. So, I am very nervous. Has anyone have similar symptoms
Last activity on 10/25/2021 at 9:37 AM
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Lung cancer Forum
@Kcook111 yes my pain was on my rib bone . So they found it metastasized to my rib bone . Surgery is not an option now . So did radiation on rib bone and no pain now but also doing chemo
Last activity on 12/16/2024 at 4:34 PM
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3 comments posted | 3 in the Lung cancer Forum
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,340 comments posted | 23 in the Lung cancer Forum
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@Kcook111 Wishing you the best for your CAT scan! Please don't hesitate to let us know how it goes if you feel up to it!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
Last activity on 12/16/2024 at 4:34 PM
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I will let you know. Praying for good results. Thanks for asking
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Last activity on 10/01/2023 at 5:47 PM
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So on April 3rd, 2020 my pulmonologist told me to go to the hospital, don't even worry about packing a bag. I had Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter pretty bad, I was really sick. I had been on Cefepime IV for 3 weeks already and than they put me on Vancomycin (which is used for MERSA) They initially put me on the Covid floor for two days and did about 4 or 5 tests on me. Then they moved me up to the sixth floor. Outside of my room was a mural with the word oncology on it. I was like, I don't have cancer. Next day they did a biopsy but due to my emphysema it was in conclusive. The did manage to puncture my lung though, that was fun. Eventually they did another biopsy and it came back NSCLC adenocarcinoma Stage 1A. Along the way I got delirium and encephalopathy Which still have not resolved. I am happy to sat that the hospital did a wonderful job getting me all scheduled. Due to the early stage of the cancer they gave me 54 grays of Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). I just go my 1 year CT Scan results back and it was clean. Needless to say, My wife and I are overjoyed. Hoping it keeps going in this direction.
Chuck Holder
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Chuck Holder
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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.
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I completely understand as I don’t have anyone to talk to also. I’m a widow & I live alone. My oldest son died in 2021 & my youngest son & his family live 3 hours. My father is dead & my mother has chronic back pain & is immobile. My younger sister lives with our mother & she is going through a divorce from her husband who abandoned her. My sister doesn’t visit me, help me, call me & rarely texts me. I have various cousins, a niece & nephew that are spread out in nearby states but are hours away from me. After I told my friends I had cancer, they quit contacting me. I have learned how to be my own care giver. It has been very difficult. I’ll admit I’ve been depressed, cried a lot, felt sorry for myself but I never gave up. I prayed & read my Bible everyday. Then I found cancer groups online like this one where I could share what I was going through & got empathetic responses. That really kept me going. I hope you find someone to talk to but I highly recommend the online cancer chat groups.
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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1,340 comments posted | 23 in the Lung cancer Forum
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
I thought I would create this discussion so we can all get to know one another better!
So, what is your lung cancer diagnosis story? What type of lung cancer do you have? When and how were you diagnosed? How are you doing today?
@Chicken little @Rmnana15 @Jlg7421 @Ginny9 @joymartinez23 @Fayegoodwin @critt01 @Djr2620 @Joyful326 @Mothermary68 @Fightenirish @MOJO13 @Peg123 @grandma of 15 @DarlaMccallister @Jskinner4 @Davidy @Jeanie1234
Feel free to share your story with us here!
Take care,