Nutrition and Food to Live Better?
Published Jan 11, 2019 • Updated Dec 4, 2020 • By Louise Bollecker

On Carenity, many members have shared tips and experience on how their diet has been an ally or enemy of their treatment regimen: Gluten-free diet, adequate balance between carbohydrates and fats, super foods, etc. ... discover a wide range of publications on this subject and share your experience!
Does Eating Organic Food Prevent Cancer ?
Can one’s organic based diet impact one’s cancer risk? According to the latest research, it can lower the risk of cancer, but the precise cause-and-effect relationship is still not understood. Discover the latest research on this topic and become more equipped with the information!
Zero Tolerance For Alcohol?
The debate about the potential health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption has been an on-going argument. According to a recent study, a single glass of wine or a beer a day could pose a risk to one’s health. Come read the latest research and let us know how you feel about this study!
Eat Less or More Meat ?
These articles explore the potential benefits associated with eating less meat and the relationship between carbohydrates, meat and weight loss. What diet do you follow? Read the articles and share your opinions and advice!
Eating More Meat Can Shorten Lifespan
Carbohydrates, Fats, and Obesity
Diabetes: Nutritional Advice
Elisa Cloteua, a member from Carenity France, is a dietitian and nutritionist and she has agreed to benefit Carenity with her advice on important things diabetics should know concerning what to eat and drink. Read this interview below in three parts:
Food And The Holidays!
Discover and join the discussions surrounding food and the holidays and share and discuss your favorite holiday recipes!
Type-1 Diabetes, Food and the Holidays
Type-2 Diabetes Food and the Holidays
Sugar-Free Sweets
Discuss your opinions on sugar-free jellies, cookies, and other food items. Do you use them? Find out what other members of the diabetes group have to say!
Forum Dedicated to Food Allergies and Intolerances
Did you know that one of our forums on Carenity is dedicated to this theme? Nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, gluten-free diets, etc.... Feel free to enrich this group with your presence, new topics, questions, and advice!
We hope you enjoyed this article! please share your comments and tips on which diet you find helpful or whether you agree (or disagree!) with anything featured. Do you follow a gluten-free diet? Avoid carbohydrates? We want to know!

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