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Physical therapy, chronic pain and chronic illness: our expert’s answers

Physical therapy, chronic pain and chronic illness: our expert’s answers

A physical therapist explains the benefits of physical therapy and how to break out of the vicious cycle of "I’m in pain, so I don't move"....

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Studies, scientific publications, and innovative projects: Carenity is committed to advocating for patients

Studies, scientific publications, and innovative projects: Carenity is committed to advocating for patients

Meet Lise, Associate Director of Carenity, who explains all the actions of Carenity to put the patient at the heart of the health...

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Medication Reconciliation: a practice to avoid prescriptions errors, in and outside of the hospital

Medication Reconciliation: a practice to avoid prescriptions errors, in and outside of the hospital

Medication reconciliation helps to reduce and protect against medication errors and adverse drug events. This practice is becoming more and more widespread in Europe and North...

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Assisted Suicide: How Patients and Families Really Feel

Assisted Suicide: How Patients and Families Really Feel

More than 3,000 members answered our survey on assisted suicide! Read the results and compare your point of view with that of other...

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Risk factors, treatments, symptoms: Everything you need to know about lupus flare-ups!


Risk factors, treatments, symptoms: Everything you need to know about lupus flare-ups!

Internist and our expert, Laurent Chiche, shares his advice on how to recognize, treat and prevent lupus outbreaks....

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Eating better when you have hepatitis

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis and liver diseases
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis H
Hepatitis of the child
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and NASH

Eating better when you have hepatitis

For the occasion of World Hepatitis Day, discover our tips to make your diet your best ally when facing this...

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