Contributors: Pauline Heyries


Pauline Heyries

Data Scientist

Pauline Heyries is currently a Data Scientist Intern at Carenity. Her role consists of drafting the survey questionnaires offered to patients, analyzing the collected data and contributing to the writing and publication of scientific articles available in the Health Magazine, as well as updating fact sheets.

Pauline Heyries is a 5th year pharmacy student at the University of Aix-Marseille and is aiming for a career in the pharmaceutical industry, hoping to work in the field of health economics later on.  

Created: 3/24/20 - Updated: 10/12/20

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

Living with Castleman Disease

Living with Castleman Disease

Castleman Disease: Everything you need to know!

Castleman Disease: Everything you need to know!

Social distancing: how does it work?

Social distancing: how does it work?