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- Do you ever feel like you're being passed off from MS doctor to MS doctor?
Do you ever feel like you're being passed off from MS doctor to MS doctor?
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Last activity on 08/08/2022 at 11:09 AM
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@Emma2190 Hello Emma2190, thank you for keeping us updated on how you're doing. I'm sorry to hear you feel passed off by your doctor. It can be so frustrating to feel like you aren't getting proper care or attention from your doctor.
Hi everyone, have you ever felt like you were being passed along by your doctor or that your doctor doesn't know how to treat you? What did you do about it?
@sando0826 @vaiano0427 @SARAHGARNER @JulieM8200 @LizzieS @Saul900 @Panda2334 @Steph_14 @txwendy @kinglouie @Aliciaburatti @KVera718 @virtualee @NatA11 @richjh @Fufu08 @CookieMonster
Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences here!
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity US
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Last activity on 11/08/2023 at 11:18 AM
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@Emma2190 I definitely understand what you mean. Sometimes I swear my neurologist isn't even listening to me. Sometimes it makes you wonder why you're even seeing them if they're not specialized in MS and don't seem particularly dedicated to helping you. That's good news that you're getting to see a specialist though, hopefully you'll get some better care! Stay strong!
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Last activity on 02/13/2025 at 4:24 PM
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My primary doctor always listens and responds during visits and via email. However, my neurologist is less attentive but she is a doctor I've only seen twice. It will be interesting to see how my healthcare is effected once we can safely visit our healthcare providers IN-PERSON.
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Last activity on 07/04/2022 at 1:29 PM
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Was not sure where to put this or if it was even allowed, but I feel like I'm going crazy with always doing something wrong and being a burden to life more than anything else..just a problem all the time and the days Im somewhat or fully okay..still doing something wrong no matter what. :( I really hate having memory problems, speech slurring, contstant migraines (yes even with the daith piercings..which was an either it works or doesn't, but try it anyway. The migraines are getting so bad, sometimes on one side of my head or all over even in my neck, constant pounding and the pressure/tightness is hard to deal with and so far no meds have helped with that either.
I'm seeing a MS Specialist in February who was reffered by my neurologist..who I thought was a MS Specialist?..,anyone else think that is messed up to be seen and treated by a neurologist who you thought knew everything about MS because he is a specialist in it, only to find out he can only handle the neurological problems and nerves..brain etc but if you are falling a lot, starting to have more physical problems, he sends you to a MS specialist so he can pass you off to someone else because he can not handle you anymore? It makes you realize just how bad you are getting, even if you try to stay positive or try your best in life but your ms is winning at bringing you down in every way. That, it only deepens your depression too with the mood shifts and all the pain along with everything else that happens with ms.
So I guess that is the end to this rant and update, that thankfully no shaking yet has made me able to type this.