Contributors: Baptiste Eudes


Baptiste Eudes

Health Writer

Created: 1/27/20 - Updated: 6/8/21

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

Depression: "I feel like I have lost several years of my life..."

Depression: "I feel like I have lost several years of my life..."

Testimonial - Castleman disease: "I was relieved to finally find out what I'd been suffering with!".

Testimonial - Castleman disease: "I was relieved to finally find out what I'd been suffering with!".

Myasthenia gravis: "There are worse things in this world, this is what keeps me going."

Myasthenia gravis: "There are worse things in this world, this is what keeps me going."

COPD: "With time, I got used to the fact that I had to live with this disease."

COPD: "With time, I got used to the fact that I had to live with this disease."

Ulcerative colitis symptoms: Before and after diagnosis

Ulcerative colitis symptoms: Before and after diagnosis

Ulcerative colitis - Carenity members tell their story

Ulcerative colitis - Carenity members tell their story

My battle with Fibromyalgia: an eternal struggle between hope and depression

My battle with Fibromyalgia: an eternal struggle between hope and depression

Multiple myeloma: "We must accept our new normal and make the best of the time we still have"

Multiple myeloma: "We must accept our new normal and make the best of the time we still have"

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