The Carenity Team: Somya Pokharna


Somya Pokharna

Somya currently works as a Community Manager on the Carenity team. Her main role is to engage and moderate the community in the US/UK markets, ensuring members have an excellent experience. Additionally, she writes and translates health articles and creates content for social media platforms. She has a Master’s degree in International Brand Management from NEOMA Business School. Outside of work, Somya enjoys singing, dancing, theatre, cooking, and exploring new places.

Somya is a content creator at Carenity, specialised in health writing. She has a Master’s degree in International Brand Management from NEOMA Business School. Outside of work, Somya enjoys singing, dancing, theatre, cooking, and exploring new places.

Created: 8/9/23 - Updated: 5/16/24

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

Migraine: "I live a full life and know when I have to tweak things." #ShadesForMigraine

Migraine: "I live a full life and know when I have to tweak things." #ShadesForMigraine

Diabetes: What cardiovascular diseases can it lead to?

Diabetes: What cardiovascular diseases can it lead to?

Migraine: “I try to stay encouraged and smile no matter what.” #ShadesForMigraine

Migraine: “I try to stay encouraged and smile no matter what.” #ShadesForMigraine

Diabetes and Foot Health: Why should you wear non-binding socks?

Diabetes and Foot Health: Why should you wear non-binding socks?

Coffee: Can drinking it in moderation actually be good for you?

Coffee: Can drinking it in moderation actually be good for you?

Migraine: “With the lack of education around the disease, opportunities for early diagnosis were missed.” #ShadesForMigraine

Migraine: “With the lack of education around the disease, opportunities for early diagnosis were missed.” #ShadesForMigraine

Migraine: What are the lesser-known symptoms and how can you help? #ShadesForMigraine

Migraine: What are the lesser-known symptoms and how can you help? #ShadesForMigraine

World NASH Day: How can NASH and NAFLD be prevented?

World NASH Day: How can NASH and NAFLD be prevented?

Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs): Everything you need to know!

Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs): Everything you need to know!

Depression: When is it necessary to get hospitalized?

Depression: When is it necessary to get hospitalized?

COPD: "Determine to be as well as you can for as long as you can."

COPD: "Determine to be as well as you can for as long as you can."

CPAP for Sleep Apnea: What are its side effects?

CPAP for Sleep Apnea: What are its side effects?

How to get rid of Endocrine Disruptors hiding in your household?

How to get rid of Endocrine Disruptors hiding in your household?

How does the spring season boost our health and wellness?

How does the spring season boost our health and wellness?

Multiple Sclerosis: “I am a warrior, and I will overcome this illness with love and positivity.”

Multiple Sclerosis: “I am a warrior, and I will overcome this illness with love and positivity.”

What does grinding teeth in your sleep say about your health?

What does grinding teeth in your sleep say about your health?

Multiple Myeloma: “I roll with the punches, stay active when I can, and rest when I need to.”

Multiple Myeloma: “I roll with the punches, stay active when I can, and rest when I need to.”

How can Prostate Cancer be Diagnosed and Treated?

How can Prostate Cancer be Diagnosed and Treated?

How can Kinesiology help you manage chronic conditions?

How can Kinesiology help you manage chronic conditions?

What is Epigenetics and its Influence on Your Health?

What is Epigenetics and its Influence on Your Health?

What are the Therapeutic Effects of Thermal Spa Therapy on Fibromyalgia?

What are the Therapeutic Effects of Thermal Spa Therapy on Fibromyalgia?

How can Rhodiola Rosea Benefit Your Mind and Body?

How can Rhodiola Rosea Benefit Your Mind and Body?

Biofeedback Therapy: Everything you need to know!

Biofeedback Therapy: Everything you need to know!

Dr. Vickie about Myasthenia Gravis: “When you push MG, it pushes back.”

Dr. Vickie about Myasthenia Gravis: “When you push MG, it pushes back.”

How to Eat Healthy during the Holidays?

How to Eat Healthy during the Holidays?

Fibromyalgia: Who do you need on your healthcare team?

Fibromyalgia: Who do you need on your healthcare team?

How Does Your Physical Pain Mirror Your Emotional State?

How Does Your Physical Pain Mirror Your Emotional State?

Mental Health: How to Prepare Well for Your First Therapy Session?

Mental Health: How to Prepare Well for Your First Therapy Session?

Sarah: “The bad days don’t last forever.” (Hashimoto’s disease and Hypothyroidism)

Sarah: “The bad days don’t last forever.” (Hashimoto’s disease and Hypothyroidism)

Multiple Sclerosis: Which specialists do you need to see?

Multiple Sclerosis: Which specialists do you need to see?

How Do Hormones Affect Your Skin During the Menstrual Cycle?

How Do Hormones Affect Your Skin During the Menstrual Cycle?

How to Take Care of Your Hearing?

How to Take Care of Your Hearing?

Inverse Psoriasis: Everything you need to know!

Inverse Psoriasis: Everything you need to know!

Why is Supportive Care Essential during Breast Cancer Treatment?

Why is Supportive Care Essential during Breast Cancer Treatment?

Mindful Eating: Why is it a game-changer for your diet?

Mindful Eating: Why is it a game-changer for your diet?

Dagmar: “My ALS diagnosis pulled out the rug from under me, but I knew I had to get up and keep going.”

Dagmar: “My ALS diagnosis pulled out the rug from under me, but I knew I had to get up and keep going.”

Exploring Disabilities: What are the different types?

Exploring Disabilities: What are the different types?

Kasi: “After the fat-shaming and gaslighting, my Lipedema diagnosis came as a huge blessing."

Kasi: “After the fat-shaming and gaslighting, my Lipedema diagnosis came as a huge blessing."

Shakeila: “Embracing my life and the beauty of the world despite my eyesight" (Keratoconus)

Shakeila: “Embracing my life and the beauty of the world despite my eyesight" (Keratoconus)

Emotional Trauma: How to recover and become resilient?

Emotional Trauma: How to recover and become resilient?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Getting a Transplant and Best Practices after Surgery

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Getting a Transplant and Best Practices after Surgery

Smoking with Diabetes: What are the risks?

Smoking with Diabetes: What are the risks?

How to Take Care of your Vaginal Microbiome?

How to Take Care of your Vaginal Microbiome?

Birth Control Pills for Managing Endometriosis: Which Ones to Choose?

Birth Control Pills for Managing Endometriosis: Which Ones to Choose?

Self-Compassion for Mental Health: Can it make you happier?

Self-Compassion for Mental Health: Can it make you happier?

Cluster Headaches: Everything you need to know

Cluster Headaches: Everything you need to know

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