Contributors: Maëva Gourdon


Maëva Gourdon

Health Writer, Pharmacy Student

Maëva is a fifth year PharmD student at the University of Poitiers in France and is an intern on Carenity's data science team. She is next looking to pursue a master's degree in strategy and management.

One of her roles at Carenity is to write health articles, contributing her scientific and medical knowledge. She has a particular interest in neurological conditions. Maëva is also interested in the area of patient well-being.

On the personal side, Maëva loves travelling, sports, and hiking, to combine the two.

Created: 4/22/21 - Updated: 3/2/22

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

Castleman disease: “Our son shows great courage as he fights against the disease!”

Castleman disease: “Our son shows great courage as he fights against the disease!”

Castleman disease: “I gave samples for research”

Castleman disease: “I gave samples for research”

Which medications can cause adverse effects on the muscles?

Which medications can cause adverse effects on the muscles?