Laurent Chiche : member of the Science and Ethic Committee


Laurent Chiche

Internal medicine physician

An Internal Medecine Specialist at the Hopital Europeen in Marseille, France). Doctor CHICHE specialises in caring for auto-immune diseases, and launched a clinical research project on Lupus. The objective of the project was to identify the parameters that signal a lupus flare-up via an innovative method: the Lupus Living Lab. Research was focused on patient daily life instead of being limited only to the laboratory. To do this, all available technology was brought to the patient's home, giving them a new method of prevention and control of their lupus. Anyone living with lupus can join the research project and imagine with the professionals, a service that will help them better predict flare-ups and improve their medical care:

Dr. CHICHE's project consist of 2 axes:

  • The biological axis: Setting-up procedures for non-invasive samples (blood and stool) and carrying-out broadband analyses with an "interferon" score and exploring the patients' microbiota
  • The computing axis: This patient-centred solution allows them to declare intercurrent events from their homes, get alerts (ex: when it's time to take a sample) in accordance with environmental factors (such as UVs).

Full disclosure: Doctor Laurent Chiche works or has worked with companies in the health care sector. More information at:



Created: 1/27/20 - Updated: 8/7/20

This member's contributions to Fact Sheets

Fact sheet

Lupus: What is it?

See the fact sheet

See scientific publications

Characteristics and information searched for by French patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A web-community data-driven online survey

Acute pancreatitis as a cause of mortality in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus: Results of a multiple cause-of-death analysis in France.

Modular transcriptional repertoire analyses of adults with systemic lupus erythematosus reveal distinct type I and type II interferon signatures.