Contributors: Jean Zetlaoui


Jean Zetlaoui

A former Hospital Practioner in Anaethesia and Resuscitation at AP-HP, Dr. Zetlaoui carried out administrative roles in various scientific domains of the pharmaceutical industry: Project Director, Medical Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Market Access, as Chief Medical Officer at Sanofi, Nestle Health Science and Novartis laboratories for almost 30 years. His experience as Medical Director and member of Nestle Health Science's Executive Committee for 2 years allowed him to become an expert in nutrigenomics and personalized medicine.

In addition to his medical training, Dr. Zetlaoui studied at several well-known business schools: ESSEC Business School where he obtained an Executive MBA in Finance and International Affairs, and shorter courses at HEC Paris, London Business School and INSEAD.

For 5 years, he directed the Clinical Research Attractiveness in France group at LEEM. He was also Vice-President of the Alliance for Research and Health Industries Innovation.

Today he is a Consultant in Clinical Medical Sciences and Development. Always active, Dr. Zetlaoui is a member of the Valbiotis Supervisory Board and head of Carenity's Scientifc Committee.

Full disclosure: Doctor Jean Zetlaoui works or has worked with companies in the health care sector. More information at:

Created: 1/27/20 - Updated: 1/27/20

See scientific publications

Study on the therapeutic adherence by patients with psoriasis in france: a study of 181 patients

Patients’ perceptions and experiences of biologic therapies for psoriasis in France

[Attractiveness of France for international clinical research: 8th survey conducted by Leem (French association for pharmaceutical companies)].