Bruno Halioua : member of the Science and Ethic Committee


Bruno Halioua


Doctor HALIOUA is a dermatologist, and splits his time between private practice and the Institut Alfred Fournier in Paris. He practices both general and esthetic dermatology, and specializes in infectious and tropical diseases. Besides his medical career, Dr. HALIOUA also has an DEA in contemporary history and is a member of the French Society of Medical History. He also teaches at Paris IV University.

He has published over ten books on history and medicine.

Full disclosure: Doctor Bruno Halioua works or has worked with companies in the health care sector. More information at:

Created: 1/27/20 - Updated: 1/27/20

See scientific publications

Efficacy and safety of oral alitretinoin as treatment for chronic hand eczema in France: a real-life open-label study.